Lean PDCA PowerPoint Template

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Lean PDCA PowerPoint Template

Lean PDCA PowerPoint Template is a free lean manufacturing template for PowerPoint that you can use if you are making presentations on quality management or total quality PowerPoint presentation templates. This free PDCA template for PowerPoint can be used for any presentation requiring a lean template background. The differences between PDCA and DMAIC are stated as follows: PDCA has 4 steps, while DMAIC has 5 steps but it is not just 5 steps, 5 steps and tollgates in between each phase. A tollgate is where the project team or team leader presents his or her findings in the current phase and the steering committee will either approve the project to move to the next phase or not. Additionally, a big difference between PDCA and DMAIC is the corporate infrastructure required to mount it. Six Sigma and the DMAIC methodology in which its work is carried out, requires a project sponsor, a steering committee, many tollgates and a champion. You can download this free PDCA template with gears and red background for TQM presentations in PowerPoint.

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Puede descargar esta plantilla para PowerPoint compatible con las distintas versiones de Microsoft Office incluyendo PowerPoint 2007, 2010 y la nueva versión de MS PowerPoint 2013.


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