Going Shopping PowerPoint Template

Anuncio Patrocinado

Shopping bags PowerPoint Template

Going Shopping PowerPoint template is a free shopping PowerPoint theme and background that you can use for marketing and business presentations. The slide design is prepared for those who need to download free Marketing PowerPoint presentation templates for sales or online promotions. You can download this free sales PowerPoint template for presentations on discounts, store sales as well as other marketing promotions for any business. The slide design contains two shopping bags and a beautiful slide design for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. The slide design is compatible with presentations on marketing promotions or marketing promotional items since you can add your market promotions in the slide design and decorate the presentation with nice gradient effect and curved lines.

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Puede descargar esta plantilla para PowerPoint compatible con las distintas versiones de Microsoft Office incluyendo PowerPoint 2007, 2010 y la nueva versión de MS PowerPoint 2013.


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