Plantilla PowerPoint de Poder Mental

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Brain Power PowerPoint template is a free presentation background that you can download for presentations on data mining, mind mapping and many other different mind presentations. Free Brain PowerPoint PPT template has a human head and brain with gears over blue background that you can download to make PowerPoint presentations. Free brain PPT template is also good for mind mapping presentations but also for other presentation needs including mobbing presentations. Human head with three gears and blue background has a transparency effect in the background and space for presentation title.

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Plantilla PowerPoint de Poder Mental se encuentra en Medicina y Salud usa los siguientes tags:


Puede descargar esta plantilla para PowerPoint compatible con las distintas versiones de Microsoft Office incluyendo PowerPoint 2007, 2010 y la nueva versión de MS PowerPoint 2013.


3 comentarios

  1. Mi
    9:55 am on

    to present my work

  2. Ana
    10:12 am on

    para una presentacion en mi trabajo

  3. Luisa
    10:32 am on


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